2024 Creative Review
I think I’m bad at culling images because I have an emotional connection with most of what passes through my viewfinder. I don’t expect the audience to feel the same connection -that’s up to y’all- but I genuinely love the moments that make up this review. This is for me.
For the first time, I’ve set my commercial photography and hobby photography on the same page, but it’s an honest recap of what I saw this year. Admittedly, it is too many images (my Aquarium work isn’t even included), but I swear I won’t be offended if you don’t scroll to the end.
My instinct is to crunch some numbers to talk about number of state lines crossed, airline tickets purchased, photos shot, or invoices processed, but I’d rather use this white space to explain how grateful I am. I’m grateful for my gifted eye, the tools that focus it, and for the energy to find the next frame. I’m grateful for my supportive wife who is always down for an adventure and is excited every time I catch up to her on the trail after shooting a leaf for 5 minutes. I’m grateful for my friends who grab a beer between shoots and support me with kind words and great advice. I’m grateful for a day job flexible enough to allow me to work for myself. I’m grateful for my clients who place their trust in my vision. I’m grateful for good health and gray hairs.
I’m grateful for every sunrise, every sunset, and all the things between the horizons.
I’ve organized my favorite photos of 2024 into the three categories I focused on the most. Feel free to check them out, but I do want to point out that I have a selection from the “art” category up for sale in my store. The link is here if you’re interested!
Just some fool photographed by Winston Zhou.